These resources are to support instructors and faculty interested in learning more about outdoor teaching and learning strategies and how the outdoors lends itself to adult learning in any discipline.

Articles (3)

Pinned Article Walking Pedagogy for Science Education and More than Human Connection

This literary-visual métissage weaves together stories, scholarship and photographs. What can be unearthed—science education, embodied knowledge, environmental ethics—when we walk on the land? Embodied and sensorial engagement fosters relational and enlivening educational experiences.

Dream of the Possibilities

A Brief Guide for Post Secondary Educators who want to take Learning Outdoors

Learning to embrace outdoor pedagogy from the Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education

Nature-based learning is increasingly being implemented and explored within early childhood education settings. Thus, including sustainability, environmental education, place-based education, and other similar topics may help prepare future educators and teachers to provide meaningful experiences for children in the outdoor environment. The purpose of this study was to document the student experiences of a newly developed practicum course offered at Bow Valley College in Calgary, Alberta.