Etrieve Template Feature

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About the Etrieve Template Feature

What are Etrieve templates?

Etrieve templates are a new custom feature that allows originators to store data on specific forms and re-enter that data by selecting a saved template.

Creating a new template

To create a template, simply fill out the form as usual (with the data you want to see on the template). When you're done, click the "Create New Template" button at the bottom of the form and enter a template name in the pop-up box that appears.

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Using a template

To use a previously saved template, simply click in the field in the 'Use a Saved Template' box at the top of the form. A list of your saved templates will appear, select the one you want to use and the information will automatically appear in the form.

To update an existing template

Apply the template as usual and make the changes you want to update the template with. Then click the 'Update Template' button at the bottom of the form..


Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

Deleting a template

To delete a template, select the template you want to delete in the box at the top of the form and click the red trash can button. The template will be gone the next time you load the form.


Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)



FAQ & Troubleshooting

On which forms is the template feature available?

As of April 2024, the template feature is only available on the Payment Approval form. It may be added to other forms in the future. If you think the template feature would be beneficial on a form you use frequently, please submit a Digital Form Change Request.

Why can't we use templates on all etrieve forms?

The template feature is a custom feature that must be maintained and applied to individual forms. It is only added to forms that are frequently submitted by the same people with similar data.

Can I share my templates with other users?

No, templates are not shareable. It is very easy for someone to re-create your template as their own. You can download a pdf of your template (open the form, apply your template and click 'download' at the bottom). This pdf can then be shared as a guide for others who want to create a template.

I've applied a template, but I need to change a field just for the form I'm submitting. Can I overwrite the field?

Yes, you can overwrite any field after you have applied the template.

Can I change one of my templates permanently?

Yes, you can modify your template. Please refer to the 'Updating Templates' section above.

Can I permanently delete a template?

Yes, you can delete a template. Please see the 'Delete a template' section above.

I have accidentally deleted a template. Can you restore it for me?

No, unfortunately we cannot recover a deleted template. However, you can recreate the template by following the 'Create a new template' process above.

I don't see the 'Use a Saved Template' option at the top of the form.

The 'Use a Saved Template' box is only visible if you have saved templates. Please fill out a form and click 'Create New Template' at the bottom. The box will appear at the top of the form the next time you load the page. If you are sure you have saved a template but can't see the template selection, please submit a Service Request.

Some fields in my template aren't saved.

Certain fields are not saved in templates because they change frequently. For example, amounts and dates may not be saved.

Can I create a template when I'm approving a form?

No, at this time templates can only be created and applied when you are submitting a form.

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Article ID: 9562
Wed 4/24/24 4:39 PM
Thu 4/25/24 4:09 PM