Find tips on adding, managing, and organizing files, videos, and course sections in Moodle.
Learn how to add a PDF to a Moodle course page as well as how to replace an existing PDF.
If you are creating Moodle book activities as part of your course content then being able to embed files such as PDFs into chapters can be a useful tool. Here we look at how to attach files and link to them as well as how to modify and delete files.
Learn how to add a page in your course with text, images and video.
If you are working in the Collapsed Topics format for your course then this instructional video will give you a quick overview of how to added edit, duplicate, rename and re-order your topics.
Learn how to mange your course topics in Moodle 4.1.
Learn how to move course content around easily in Moodle 4.1.
Learn how to change basic settings, upload your syllabus as well as how to create and reorganise activities and resources.
Learn how to efficiently organize and rearrange course content in Moodle using drag-and-drop features.
Learn how to streamline your Moodle course layout with effective use of Books and Pages to enhance student engagement and navigation.