A collection of resources related to accessibility such as adding ReadSpeaker to exams, adding extra time to exams and more.

Articles (4)

Add ReadSpeaker to Moodle Quizzes & Exams

Learn how to integrate ReadSpeaker into your Moodle course page and quizzes. ReadSpeaker is a popular TTS (text-to-speech) technology that can read out exam questions and answers aloud.

Extend a Quiz or Assignment Deadline for Individual Students using User Overrides - Moodle 4.1

In this short video we look at how to extend assignment deadlines for individual students in Moodle.

ReadSpeaker for Accessibility in Moodle

A quick and easy way to increase accessibility in your Moodle course is to add the Readspeaker text-to-speech block to your home page and configure it to show up on all pages.

Transform Kaltura or YouTube captions into lecture notes or a blog post

Download Kaltura or YouTube captions from your videos to repurpose them to a blog post or other deliverable. We look at how to extract an editable Word Document from an SRT file as well as removing the word file.