Support for assignments.

Articles (9)

Pinned Article Submitting Assignments on Behalf of Students in Moodle 4.1 | Instructor Tutorial

This quick video shows you how to submit or edit an assignment for a student.

Add a Moodle Assignment with Turnitin Plagiarism Checking Turned On

Learn how to add a regular Moodle assignment with Turnitin plagiarism checking and ChatGPT AI detection turned on.

Creating Assignments in Moodle 4.1

Learn how to create an assignment and key steps to manage grades for this activity.

Extend a Quiz or Assignment Deadline for Individual Students using User Overrides - Moodle 4.1

In this short video we look at how to extend assignment deadlines for individual students in Moodle.

Fixing Missing Submission Buttons in Moodle

Learn how to fix missing submission buttons in Moodle by adjusting Gradebook and assignment settings to ensure a smooth submission process for students.

Force File Type for Assignment Submissions in Moodle

Ensure that students upload a specific file type when they submit their work on Moodle. Here we look at how to specify a PDF document upload.

How to Import a Rubric from Excel into Moodle

Learn how to import a rubric from Excel into Moodle using the Moodle Rubric Importer extension. This guide covers formatting your rubric, installing the extension, and importing it into Moodle. Plus, discover how AI can generate rubrics, saving time and improving grading efficiency!

Submit Moodle Assignment Submissions Directly to Turnitin

In this lesson you will learn how to download multiple assignment submissions from Moodle and then directly submit them to Turnitin to produce similarity reports.

This tutorial is useful if you did not turn on Turnitin detection ahead of an assignment submission.

Troubleshooting Edit Assignment in Moodle

If the option to Edit Assignment is not showing for student submission in Moodle then there are some tricks and workarounds to make it possible for you to activate the drop-down setting.