Using Ricoh MFD Photocopiers

Registering Your Salto Card (Photo ID):

You can register your Salto card on the photocopier to help expedite login on the Ricoh MFD photocopiers.  You Salto card is typically attached as part of your employee photo id.

To start the Salto Card registration process:
1.) Tap your Salto card on the card reader attached to the photocopier.
2.) The photocopier will recognize that your card is not associated in the system and prompt for you to associate your login with the card.
3.) Enter your current login credentials to finish the association.  Your username will be your email address and your password that you would use to login to your computer or


Scanning Documents

Scanning functions are available from the photocopier.

To Scan:
1.) Login to the photocopier.  You can quickly login if you have registered your Salto card on a photocopier by tapping your card on the card reader.
2.) Select the "Scan" option
3.) Select the department for accounting purposes (There are no charges for scanning a document)
4.) Select "Start Scanning"

After scanning, the document can be located in your Microsoft OneDrive in a folder called "Apps' and within a sub folder called "Scans for PaperCut MF"
An email will also be sent with a shortcut to your file.

** The first time you use the scanning feature, you will receive and email requesting that you "Authorize Scans for PaperCut MF to save to your OneDrive"
Follow the directions and login to complete the setup.  Your email with the file will follow afterwards.​​​


Copying Documents

Photocopying functions are available from the photocopier.

To Copy:
1.) Login to the photocopier.  You can quickly login if you have registered your Salto card on a photocopier by tapping your card on the card reader.
2.) Select the "Device Functions" option
3.) Select the department for accounting purposes
4.) Select "Copier (Classic)" from the screen


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