Fix "Access Denied" message when opening Kaltura Classroom from Moodle

If you get an access denied message when trying to open a Kaltura Meeting Room from Moodle then this will require some small changes in your browser setup.

Enabling these third-party cookies allows Moodle to pass login information to Kaltura.

Enable Third-Party Cookies in Google Chrome

  1. Start Google Chrome.
  2. From the top right, select the three vertical dots and then Settings.
  3. Click Privacy and security on the left sidebar.
  4. Click Cookies and other site data.
  5. Un-check the setting for Block third-party cookies.

Enable Third-Party Cookies in Firefox

  1. Open the Mozilla Firefox web-browser.
  2. Select the three vertical lines on the top right and select Options.
  3. Select Privacy & Security from the left side navigation bar.
  4. Under Browser Privacy, select Standard.

Enable Third-Party Cookies in Edge 

  1.  Open the Edge browser on your computer.
  2.  Select the three dots on the tool bar at the top right and then Settings.
  3.  Under Advanced Settings, click View Advanced Settings.
  4. Under Cookies, select Don't block cookies.

Enable Third-Party Cookies in Safari

  1. Open Safari.
  2. Click on Safari and select Preferences.
  3. Click on Privacy tab. Both Prevent cross-site tracking and Block all cookies should be unchecked.
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