IT Project Initiation

A new project idea either establishes a new technology-based system or service, or significantly enhances an existing one.  It also has a defined beginning and end, and is not routine, but is a specific set of operations designed to accomplish a goal.  

The following applies to all IT projects:

  • IT resources are required
  • Enterprise impact (college-wide or multi-department/area impact)
  • Has a technology component that requires software integration
  • High visibility or high impact to the requesting department or area
  • Ongoing IT support for the product after implementation will be needed

Example: "I want to implement Microsoft 365 for my department".


How to get started

Have a project idea or initiative?  Not sure how to get started, follow these simple steps:

  1. Socialize your idea with you Direct Manager or Supervisor and your team to gather feedback.
  2. Refer to the project classification process to determine the project type: New Project Idea (Lite or Standard) or Corporate Services Transformation Initiative.
  3. For a Project Initiation - Click Submit Project Request and complete.


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Service ID: 2942
Wed 12/21/22 11:11 AM
Wed 4/24/24 4:03 PM