myOkanagan - Accesing Course Grades


myOkanagan is the online portal that lets students register for courses, access exam schedules, and view transcripts and grades. It's the starting point for online services. myOkanagan is where you would look for final grades from completed courses.

Moodle is our learning portal for classes: Instructors may, or may not, record and distribute marks for in class coursework but they will NOT normally record final cumulative grades in Moodle.


myOkanagan - Grades

myOkanagan is the online portal that lets students register for courses, access exam schedules, and view transcripts and grades. It's the starting point for online services.

myOkanagan is our administrative portal to register for classes whereas Moodle is our learning portal for classes you are already registered in or for attending online classes.

To check your grades in myOkanagan:

  • Login to myOkanagan using your college email address, usually in the form firstname.lastname@myOkanagan.BC.Ca
  • In the section My Academic Record - select the link Check Grades
  • Select the term (semester) you wish to find grades for
  • Click Submit

Note that under some circumstances, such as non-payment of tuition or fines, a 'Hold" may be applied to your account. If existent holds may be viewed on the Term Selection page. Holds may block you from viewing grades, registration or requesting transcripts.

Under the section My Academic Record you will also find links to Apply to Graduate or Request an unofficial transcript for yourself or an Official transcript be sent to another institution or employer.

Grades in Moodle

Some instructors will use Moodle as a platform to publish mid-course marks such as assignment, quiz and midterm results. Not all instructors do this and not all instructors will publish the cumulative Final course grade in Moodle.

myOkanagan is the place to find Final Course grades and should be seen as more complete and definitive than Moodle.

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All students are provided a myOkanagan email address usually in the form If there are multiple students with the same first/last name subsequent usernames will have a numeric digital added after the lastname such as

Your myOkanagan email address is used as a username for

  • myOkanagan
  • Moodle
  • M365 (Office products as well as accessing your email itself)
  • login to college lab computers

An applicant may only have access to myOkanagan and will not have access to other services until after the first course registration. Alumni may also have restricted access.

The password is the SAME for all of the above accounts.

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Article ID: 5501
Wed 4/19/23 2:03 PM
Thu 2/6/25 1:11 PM