Wireless (WiFi) Access on Campus


Eduroam (education roaming) is a wireless network service that provides secure Internet access to students, staff and faculty across numerous Canadian and International education institutions. Eduroam is the preferred WiFi service for personally owned mobile device users at all campuses of Okanagan College.


Wireless (WiFi) Access on Campus

Eduroam (education roaming) is a wireless network service that provides secure Internet access to students, staff and faculty across numerous Canadian and International education institutions. Eduroam is the preferred WiFi service for personally owned mobile devices and OC owned wireless at all campuses of Okanagan College.

The one time setup will allow WiFi access for not only each Okanagan College campus but it will allow traveling OC users to access WiFI at many other Canadian and international institutions.

For setup use your devices WiFi settings to connect to Eduroam

  • Username 
    • STAFF use your username@Okanagan.BC.Ca credential
    • STUDENT user your username@myOkanagan.BC.Ca credential
  • Password - use the same password as you would use for email, MyOkanagan or Moodle
  • Certificate - if asked, choose "Do not validate"

If you are new to OC and have never logged into any network services you must login to an OC computer or to MyOkanagan and change the one-time temporary password associated with your account. The wireless system can not handle the password reset condition of a new account.

Automated Configuration

 Step 1: Visit https://okanagan.bc.ca/wifi and follow the link to: https://eduroam.org/geteduroam-get-connected-quickly-and-safely/

  • If you need an internet connection, please use OCStudent or your mobile data to proceed.
  • If you need assistance, please visit IT Services.

Step 2: Get the eduroam APP for the type if device you are using.
Step 3: Ensure your device's Wi-Fi is turned on.
Step 4: Run the 'geteduroam' app. Follow the prompts for:

  1. Select an Institution. Choose "Okanagan College"
  2. Select Profile Employee or Student
  3. Select Next
  4. Profile your OC login information, and press "Connect to Network."
  5. Select Institution, "Okanagan College"
  6. Select Student or Staff
  7. Provide your OC Credentials
  8. It will create an eduroam profile, and now you can connect to eduroam


Manual Configuration

We cannot cover instructions for every operating system or device. The basic information you need to connect to the eduroam wireless network is as follows: 

  • Network/SSID: eduroam (lower case)
  • Network Authentication Method: WPA2 (also sometimes called WPA2-PEAP, WPA2-RADIUS, or WPA2-Enterprise)
  • Data Encryption Method: AES
  • EAP Type: PEAP
  • Authentication Protocol: MSCHAP-V2

For Android devices:

Problems connecting?

Eduroam is an international consortium of educational institutions and provides basic troubleshooting information. Check their website and use the Configuration Assistant Tool (CAT) and select Okanagan College as your home institution...

Eduroam CAT


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Article ID: 3837
Sun 6/26/22 4:19 PM
Tue 10/8/24 4:30 PM